Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What happened to the second cauliflower?

I pickled it! Preserving it for the rest of my time in Stockholm ;)

I used these recipes (in Swedish): Pickled cauliflower - I have to have this in my fridge constantly and Pickled cauliflower.

Cauliflower pickles, 1 big can

1 cauliflower
300 ml water
200 ml sugar
100 ml vinegar
1 bay leaves

Chop the cauliflower into smaller pieces. Rinse them and let them drain. Boil some water in a big pot. Add the cauliflower and let them boil for 1 min. Throw away the water, let them cool while preparing the preserving juice. Add water, sugar and vinegar to a pot. Stir until the sugar has dissolved, bring it to the boil. Put the cauliflower in a big can, pour the juice over it, add a bay leave, let it cool and then seal the can. The first recipe states that you should leave it for a week in the fridge for the flavours to develop. Lasts a long time.

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