Monday, June 24, 2013

Easiest student food ever

Pasta rood, bolognese, call it whatever you want, but when I need lunch boxes, this is the dish I do - and it's always different everytime. This time I just took what I had left in the fridge, a piece of zucchini, some carrots...Cajsa Warg would've been proud of me ;)

a la Linda June version, one substantial dinner plus 2-3 boxes

200-300 g minced meat
1 can of tomatoes, 400 g
1 red onion
3 small carrots
1/3 zucchini
2 teaspoons sweet paprika powder
1 teaspoon hot paprika powder
1 teaspoon paprika powder
a pinch chili flakes
about 1 tablespoon dried basil
2-3 teaspoons dark soy
1-2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
1 cube chicken stock
black pepper

Chop red onion. Slice the zucchini and quarter it. 

Peel the carrots and grate them roughly.

Put some olive oil in a hot pan. Add red onion and zucchini and fry a few minutes. Add the meat, fry until almost finished. Add salt, pepper, the paprika powders, chili flakes and basil. Pour in the can of tomatoes (save the can and fill it up with water). Add the soy and the balsamic vinegar. Add the carrots. 

Put in the chicken stock. Add some water. Reduce the heat slightly. Let it boil. Add more water if needed. Start boiling the pasta after about 10 min. 

When the pasta is done the sauce should have reduced nicely. If the sauce is to acidic for your taste, serve it with ketchup. 

While writing this post, I realized I forgot to add garlic, the taste was a bit thin, so this could have been what was missing, so Don't forget the garlic!!
For more about Cajsa Warg, you can read here:

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