Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Kladdkaka or Swedish Mud Cake

Realized I haven't posted anything for a really long time, I was ill and then busy with moving abroad. Now finally settled in the Netherlands and started cooking again :) 

I have plenty of recipes I'd like to try and I'm also curious how to adapt Swedish recepies to my new country. A recipe that works excellent is Swedish mud cake. My boyfriend loves it!! I've already baked two this week. So here comes the recipe:

Swedish mud cake

100 g butter
2 eggs
300 ml sugar
250 ml flour
4 tablespoons cacao
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla sugar
a pinch of salt

Melt the butter. Beat the eggs with the sugar. 

Put the dry ingredients trough a sieve. Mix the butter with the egg-mixture. 

Add the dry ingredients, mix well, you dont want any spots of flour. 

Crease a tin with a removable edge, coat with bread crumbs. Put the oven on 200 degrees. Put the chocolate-mixture in the tin. 

Put in the oven for about 30 min. Be careful! You don't want the centre to set! 

Wait until the cake has cooled down until you eat it. You can eat it just as it is or with some whipped cream on the side. It's awesome with a cup of coffee. Typical Swedish fika!

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