Monday, May 20, 2013

Mango chutney fish

Back from Holland and time to eat my way through my freezer. I have two packages of pangasius fish to finish. Because I had an infection while I was in Holland, I'm going to treat myself to a lot better food, so I can recover from the antibiotics-treatment.

Mango chutney fish, 1 person

1 piece of pangasius
2 small spoons of paprika powder (I used sweet paprika powder from Hungary)
pepper, salt
a few splashes of lemon juice
couple of spoons of mango chutney

Spread the paprika powder, pepper and salt on both side of the fish. Marinate while waiting for the oven to heat up to 175 degrees.

 When the oven is ready, quickly fry the fish on both sides in a lot of oil in a frying pan. Put on a tin, splash some lemon juice on it and spread the mango chutney over the fish. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Serve with basmati rice.

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