Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My favorite Swedish cucumber salads

The first salad I make when I want something fresh to go along meat and my boyfriend asks for this salad and he doesn't normally eat vegetables at all! The more elaborate second version I served with Swedish meatballs here in Holland and it proved to be quite a success!

Version 1, 4 portions Source for this recipe (Swedish)
1 cucumber
75 ml vinegar (the sort used for pickels)
150 ml water
3 tablespoons sugar
big pinch of salt

Slice the cucumber thinly for instance with a cheese slicer. Press excess fluids out of the cucumber slices with you hands. Pour the vinegar and water over the cucumber. Add sugar and salt. Mix. Let it stand in refrigerator for at least 10 min, the more time you let it stay there, the sweeter and tastier the results, otherwise it'll only taste like vinegar.

Version 2, 4 portions Source for this recipe (Swedish)
1 cucumber
big pinch of salt
2 tablespoons pickle vinegar
100 ml water
4 tablespoons sugar
a small pinch of white pepper

Slice the cucumber thinly. Add salt. Mix. Put it on a plate and put weights on it, leave it for 30 min. Mix the vinegar, water, sugar and white pepper until the sugar has dissolved. Pour over the cucumber, let it stand for at least 1 hour or more. 

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