Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Rookworst met Stamppot

Tonight I cooked Rookworst met Stamppot for my Dutch Tandem-partner. It was really easy cooking :)

I used this recipe Zuurkoolstamppot (in Dutch)
So it's basically some potatoes, butter, milk, sauerkraut, salt and pepper.
I boiled the potatoes in one pot and the sauerkraut in another. Mashed the potatoes with some butter and milk, added the sauerkraut, added salt and pepper.
The boiling of the sauerkraut washed away all the distinctive flavour of it and I didn't have the bacon (spekjes) required at home, so the mash was slightly tasteless. Next time I think I'm just gonna fry the bacon and then add the sauerkraut so it gets warm and then mix this with the mash. The Rookworst, a smoked sausage, is one of my favorite sausages, I love the smokiness of it!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Nasi goreng in February

Tonight's dinner was nasi goreng, with cucumber/carrot salad and spring rolls, really filling and I got lunch for tomorrow.

Nasi goreng, February version

left-over rice
1 spring onion
1 cup cashew nuts
1 egg, beaten
sambal oelek
ketjap manis

Dry-roast the nuts. Add some oil to your wok or pan. Add a large or a small spoon of sambal.
Stir it around for a few seconds. Add the rice. Fry it for some time, breaking up the rice as you go, add the onion and the nuts, stir it around. Add some salt. Add some ketjap manis. Add the egg and keep stiring until the egg is cooked.

For the cucumber/carrot salad, I used a recipe in this wonderful book: Kina - Matens rike by Linlin

Cucumber/carrot salad

1 carrot
1 small piece of cucumber
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tespoon sugar
2 teaspoon dark rice vinegar
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1/4 chicken stock cube

Slice the carrot thinly with for instance a potato peeler. Bring some water to the boil, when boiling add the carrot, bring it to the boil. In the mean time, slice the cucumber. Drain the carrot after the water has started to boil again. Rinse the carrot slices under cold water. Mix the vinegar, sesame oil, salt, sugar and chicken stock cube with the cucumber and carrot.

I bought the spring rolls at the supermarket. 

I always try to cook more rice than I need, because then I'll get rice to the leftover next day for lunch and I'll get rice enought to make some kind of fried rice for dinner. 
I think a smaller spoon of sambal is enough, note to self, if you start coughing while frying up the sambal - you've probably put in to much ;)
However, the heat from the sambal was balanced out by the cucumber/carrot salad, but I don't think you really need the chicken stock cube, it doesn't really add anything. 

Where things were bought:
Sambal (from Holland of course :P) 370 g, 20 kr, dark rice vinegar 500 ml, 24 kr - Oriental Supermarket
Ketjap manis, 250 ml, 26 kr - East Trading Wang

Pickwick Golden Batavia

Rijk & Rond - rich and round!
I love this tea. It has such a nice well-rounded flavour that sneaks up on you. I leave the bag in all the time for more flavour, which I think goes for all teabag tea, it needs a long time in the cup to give maximum flavour.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Matdax - well worth the journey

I did my grocery shopping again at Matdax in Hökarängen, about 30 min away with the metro from my house. I bought 23 items for 381 kronor, which for Stockholm has to be considered cheap. I have to confess that I absolutely love watching Extreme Couponing on TLC and I try to do some couponing here in a small scale. This week they have 2 bottles of TRESemmé shampoo/conditioner for 50 kronor, 900 grams of chicken breast for 30 kr, 800 grams of mini springrolls for 15 kr, 800 grams of pangasius for 25 kr. My freezer is now filled :D

on their site, you can sign up for the weekly newsletter Matdax Hökarängen

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Catch of February

Cheese, matze, tea, sausage - everything I need to keep the second-home sickness away ^^

Tried roti a few days ago in Holland

and it was delicious :)
Roti is a Surinamese dish with chicken that you eat with a sort of pancake/bread.
And Palm is the best beer in the world, at least according to the boyfriend ;)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My favorite Swedish cucumber salads

The first salad I make when I want something fresh to go along meat and my boyfriend asks for this salad and he doesn't normally eat vegetables at all! The more elaborate second version I served with Swedish meatballs here in Holland and it proved to be quite a success!

Version 1, 4 portions Source for this recipe (Swedish)
1 cucumber
75 ml vinegar (the sort used for pickels)
150 ml water
3 tablespoons sugar
big pinch of salt

Slice the cucumber thinly for instance with a cheese slicer. Press excess fluids out of the cucumber slices with you hands. Pour the vinegar and water over the cucumber. Add sugar and salt. Mix. Let it stand in refrigerator for at least 10 min, the more time you let it stay there, the sweeter and tastier the results, otherwise it'll only taste like vinegar.

Version 2, 4 portions Source for this recipe (Swedish)
1 cucumber
big pinch of salt
2 tablespoons pickle vinegar
100 ml water
4 tablespoons sugar
a small pinch of white pepper

Slice the cucumber thinly. Add salt. Mix. Put it on a plate and put weights on it, leave it for 30 min. Mix the vinegar, water, sugar and white pepper until the sugar has dissolved. Pour over the cucumber, let it stand for at least 1 hour or more. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Nice discoveries in Holland 1

Dutch tea is something new to me, but a really nice discovery. These three are following me home including the cute cupes ^^

So far I've tried the Dutch Tea Blend.

Licht & Verfijnd = Light and Refined!
It's a bit smoother and softer than for instance English Breakfast or Earl Grey, making it a nice choice for mornings.

An awesome ice-crem is this one, delicious :)

A few days left in Holland, then I go back to Sweden, I'm sad for leaving my boyfriend for two months, but it'll also be nice to see my friends again and make Stockholm unsafe ;)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Coca-cola kyckling

Lagar nu mat i Delft för två veckor till. Här har jag inte alla mina kokböcker, så det blir Youtube och tidningar som funkar som inspiration. Jag drog mig till minnes en episod ur Kinas mat som gick för några månader sen, där de kokade något, jag tror det var kyckling i coca-cola, det ville jag testa, så detta blev resultatet: 

Receptet kommer härifrån. En annan matblogg jag hittade medan jag letade runt som har en hel radda med recept kan du hitta här: appetite for china 

Jag hällde soja över 5 kycklingvingar och lät dem dra ett tag. Stekte dem sedan några minuter på varje sida, hällde  på ungefär en halv burk coca-cola och lät det sen koka i 20 minuter. Serverade det sen med lite gurka och ris. 

1 burk Coca-cola: 55 cents
Ris: 1.69 euro för 500 gram
1 gurka: 0.89 cents
Ett knippe salladslök: 1.49 euros
5 kycklingvingar: 1.69 euro

Middag för 2 för ca 5 euros. Det är riktigt billigt här med mat! I'm lovin' it^^