Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Spaghetti Aglio E Olio Challenge

What I've been doing with my time lately: been busy applying for jobs (outcome: 2 job interviews coming up :D and going to a Dutch class every Tuesday evening. 

The evening course calls for an early dinner and something that goes really quick. Like Spaghetti Aglio e Olio. 

So, I devised a little challenge for myself: making up 5 variations on Aglio e Olio. If you want to start working out your own variations here's my basic recipe: Basic recipe Aglio e Olio

Here comes the first one in the challenge!

1. Aglio e Olio with Walnuts

1 batch of basic Aglio e Olio
1 handful walnuts

Prepare the Aglio e Olio according to the basic recipe, you can add a chili to the oil if you want it a bit hotter. Chop up a handful of walnuts and add it at the stage when you're mixing the oil mixture with the spaghetti. 


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